Introducing…. Issue reporting!

Well, we have had a busy summer, both with excursions but also with new features. We have just released our newest big feature: issue reporting. What it does is create a timeline for incidents that may happen around the waterways.

Select from these top-level issues. You then fill out details like 'weather', who you've reported it to, and a general description.
Select from these top-level issues. You then fill out details like ‘weather’, who you’ve reported it to, and a general description.

It will be particularly useful for the RVCA Algae Watch to show the length of time that an algae bloom is there. For all of you that were involved in planning, thank you so much for all your help. As you know, we believe strongly in continuous improvement, so please let us know if you have any feedback!

You can now report an issue for any location, assign it to a group for investigation, have a dialogue, and then resolve or close an issue.

Each issue has a timeline. It can be reported to a 'group' and the group can accept it to show they are investigating. We have statuses like 'closed' and 'resolved' too.
Each issue has a timeline. It can be reported to a ‘group’ and the group can accept it to show they are investigating. We have statuses like ‘closed’ and ‘resolved’ too.

Our first 3 issues:
Sediment getting into the water after a storm
Hydro released water very quickly causing destruction for a fish ladder
Pollution reported in Mobile Alabama

Real issues getting resolved!


Feel free to add in old issues that have been resolved should it make sense for your project. Always willing to talk to you about anything, so contact us should you want to chat!

Brand new Location summary

In order to make sure that issues made sense, we’ve redesigned our location to include views for both observations (over time, noticing trends) and issues (need investigating, can be resolved/closed). With that, we’ve also moved our conversation about that location to its own location, so people can feel free to chat without being part of the official observations.


Introducing… multiple photos with captions!

You’ve been asking for it, so it’s here! We’ve also added the ability to add multiple photos with captions for both observations and issues.

Add multiple photos plus captions.
Add multiple photos plus captions.

Thank you, MobileBaykeer!

Thank you to Mobile Baykeeper in Alabama for providing funding for us for this important new feature. They have been a big supporter both with encouragement but also their ideas and their funding! Thank you, from the bottoms of our hearts, for the generosity and enthusiasm you’ve given to us. And it doesn’t end there… we have more great stuff lined up with them over the next month, so watch this space!

How do I get started?

Anyone can view data, but to add in your own observations or issues, you’ll need to sign up. If you’ve got a group you’d like to set up, you will need to first sign up and then contact us so we can create a group for you (it’s free, but we want to find out what you’re looking for to help us build our platform better for you).

Thought of something you’d like to see? We are a small team, so we prioritise our new features as best we can. If there are things you think we should add, let us know!