Ocean Week Canada is coming, and we’re getting ready to celebrate!
Today we’re happy to share the great news that Ocean Week Canada is happening this June! Thanks to the great leadership from the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC), we’re one of 14 national partners kicking off a pan-Canada educational and conservation celebration.
What’s Ocean Week Canada?
From June 3 to 12th, events across Canada will help us dive into ocean knowledge and action. COLC’s website contains a treasure trove full of activities and events, especially in their Learning Hub. Book their giant floor map (created by the talented cartographers at Canadian Geographic) and augmented reality (by Ocean School). You can also sign up to receive the toolkits that COLC’s partners have designed for classrooms. Or, consider immersing yourself in stories from Indigenous Water Guardians and coastal communities. There are also tons of events, with more coming in every day. Make sure you subscribe to their mailing list for updates!
Of course, we’re hosting events and activities, too!
We’re one of the featured “Actions” you can take as part of Ocean Week Canada!
Come to our “Beach Days” on Wednesday, June 8th, and Saturday, June 11th to learn how to conduct water quality tests. They’ll be hosted in Victoria, BC.
We’ll also be launching a country-wide (free) tinykit water testing program in collaboration with Ocean Week Canada in the coming weeks. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to hear when we start recruiting participants. Supplies will be limited!

And a Festival too?
The Ocean Festival starts with Ocean Week in June, but then events continue throughout the summer. The festival culminates with the global gathering for the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) in Vancouver.
Want to know more about Ocean Week Canada?
Visit Ocean Week CanadaHow can you get involved?
This is just the start! Make sure you get inspired by Ocean Week Canada’s website, and sign up so you can hear about all the great things coming soon!
Thanks so much to the Canadian Oceans Management Contribution Program for funding this important celebration.