Water Rangers is a Data Champion grant recipient

We are so proud to announce that Water Rangers is a Data Champion grant recipient from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.

Water Rangers is a Data Champion

“Data Champions” are individuals and teams that aim to advance awareness, understanding, development, and adoption of Research Data Management (RDM) tools, best practices, and resources in Canada at their organization.

For this project, which runs from May 2022 – March 2023, Water Rangers is working to align our existing data structure used to manage data on our open data platform with the US Water Quality Exchange (WQX)’s data standard. WQX is an implementation of the ESAR (Environmental Sampling, Analysis and Results) data standard, and is widely used in environmental monitoring. By ensuring community-based water monitoring (CBWM) data is collected, managed, and shared in accordance with this international standard we will better adhere to best practices, and further the reach and use of CBWM data.

The second component of this project is to create new training materials and guides for the groups, individuals, schools, research institutes, and Indigenous nations using our testkits and data management tools to simultaneously raise awareness to and instruct on the importance of good data management practices. 

Water Rangers’ Data Champion project will facilitate the reuse of and access to data for communities, decision makers, and research bodies. Water Rangers’ overarching goal here to contribute to the culture change in the conduct of digital research, and foster excellence in CBWM data! 

Outcomes of projects will be used to further the Alliance’s RDM mandate by promoting sound RDM practices and contributing to a broader culture change in the conduct of digital research, and ultimately fostering excellence in Canadian research.

Water Rangers is so excited to be a Data Champion grant recipient. We are grateful for the support and funding provided by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.

About the Digital Research Alliance of Canada

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada plays a critical role in advancing the Government of Canada’s National DRI Strategy. It coordinates and funds activities related to and including Advanced Research Computing, Research Data Management, and Research Software. Click here to see more about what they do.

Water Rangers is supported in part by funding from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.

Data Champion grant recipient