
Compact Freshwater Testkit

A lightweight, compact version of our most popular kit! The Compact Freshwater kit is the perfect kit to take on excursions.

You can also add on a private training webinar. During your webinar, our community & operations manager, Laura, will teach you how to use your testkit and how to upload your results to our data platform.

Custom compact kit with your own design on it also available.

Bulk discounts are applied at checkout. 5% off 10 or more.  10% off 20 or more.

Winter Testkit

We designed our Winter Testkit to monitor road salt contamination in our waterways. Associated parameters including temperature, chloride, and conductivity can be tested with this new kit.

No previous testing experience required! Our field guides and training videos include step-by-step instructions on how to perform the various tests, understand your results, and record your observations. This kit is great for those who are interested in testing year-round.

If you’re new to water testing, you can add on a private training session. In it, one of our skilled staff members will teach you how to use your testkit and upload your results on our data platform.

Compact Ocean Testkit

Our newest edition! We redesigned our Compact freshwater kit to use in ocean environments where the water is brackish or salty. Our new, sleek case comes with a carrying strap, making it easier than ever to carry. There’s also a bit more room inside, meaning your items will be easier to pack up once you’re done!
Compact, lightweight, and convenient for quick sampling or traveling. This kit is great for adventuring and avid naturalists. Water samples can be taken anywhere quickly and easily!

Custom compact kit design with your logo on it is available. Your logo will need to very simple. We will work with you to make sure it’s suitable

Bulk discounts are applied at checkout. 5% off 20 or more.  10% off 30 or more.

Freshwater Testkit (UK)

Freshwater monitoring for UK’s rivers, ponds, and streams.

It includes common field tests for freshwater chemistry, including temperature, conductivity, pH, alkalinity, hardness, nitrates, and phosphates. The comprehensive guide walks you through the testing protocol, and the notepad walks you through a qualitative assessment. It’s designed to be all you need to start testing your local river or stream. Customize with your own logo, or talk to us about how you can use this kit to set up your local community testing program. We usually recommend purchasing 4-5 testkits for a small group, and adding on a restocking pack.

We’re constantly improving this kit to be better than ever, thanks to our community’s feedback. Our new case comes with a carrying strap and a bottom hinge, so you can grab items from your kit even when wearing it. Plus, there’s also more room inside, meaning your items will be easier to pack once you’re done!

We encourage you to customize the testkit design with your logo on it is available. Bulk discounts are applied at checkout. 5% off 10 or more.  10% off 20 or more.

Secchi disk

This Secchi disk can be used to measure turbidity, otherwise known as water clarity. It can also be used to measure water depth! Comes with an easy-to-read reel 20m measurement reel. 

Bulk discounts available. You can get 10% off 5 or more, or 15% off 10 or more.

Sample reacher stick

This high quality sample reacher stick will help you get the water samples you want in a safe and efficient manner! Extendable from 20cm to a whopping 110cm, this will make your sampling much easier! Includes one sample cup.

Water bottle

Water is for testing AND drinking of course! Stay hydrated and show off your pride with your own Water Rangers water bottle!

South Carolina Adopt-a-Stream Lake Kit

This custom kit is for certified participants in the South Carolina Adopt-a-Stream Lake monitoring program and includes: Secchi disk and reel Reacher stick and sample cup Thermometer These useful components can […]