Atlantic Salmon has disappeared from Lake Ontario, and Ontario Streams is trying to re-establish them through restocking. As part of “Bring Back the Salmon”, Jennifer Valentine, Water Rangers’ Outreach Director, […]
Latest news
Carleton Study: How do our testkits compare to professional probes?
This post was written by Jose Atienza, Benson Chan, Steffani Guenette, Sofia Herczegh, Ashley LeBreton and Keith Pettinger. These Carleton University students are completing their studies in Environmental Sciences under […]
End of testing season wrap-up!
Wow. What a testing season! Our testkit program this year meant we were able to support community groups to learn about water. Thank you, Ontario150, for supporting this project! […]
Thank you, LUSH!
This year, we had the pleasure to receive funding from LUSH’s charity pot. Because of this funding, we rebuilt our offline app and released it for both iOS and Android. […]
Spotlight: CWC Nature Pack
Who are they? CWC Nature Pack is a small group of friends based in Kanata, Ontario who monitor the Monahan Drainage Basin. After discovering Water Rangers online, they applied to […]
Introducing… the Activity feed!
Thanks to the generous support of MEC, we are working on lots of new features to make our website even more useful for everyone. The first one, and the one […]
Spotlight: Sharbot Lake
Who are they? The Sharbot Lake Monitoring Program is a dedicated group of people who either live, or have cottages on, Sharbot Lake, located in the Frontenac Region of Eastern Ontario. […]
Ottawa River’s Eelusive Eels get Eelectronic Trackers
Water Rangers were out at Petrie Island on Wednesday to see the Ottawa Riverkeeper and the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s 4th Annual Eel Release! The purpose of the event was to […]
Fish Field Day + Testing Our Instruments
Water Rangers was given the exciting opportunity to join the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority on a City Stream Watch Fish Sampling Session at Steven’s Creek. Our trip served two purposes, […]
Celebrating Enviroweek at Living Lightly
Today, the Water Rangers participated in a city event called Living Lightly, an event based around the concept of environmental sustainability and reducing environmental impact. We had a booth set up displaying one […]