Winter Testkit


We designed our Winter Testkit to monitor road salt contamination in our waterways. Associated parameters including temperature, chloride, and conductivity can be tested with this new kit.

No previous testing experience required! Our field guides and training videos include step-by-step instructions on how to perform the various tests, understand your results, and record your observations. This kit is great for those who are interested in testing year-round.

If you’re new to water testing, you can add on a private training session. In it, one of our skilled staff members will teach you how to use your testkit and upload your results on our data platform.

11 in stock

Customize your testkit with your logo

You can add a simple, white logo to your testkit! We will let you know if your logo can work and send you a mockup of how it will look for your approval.

Upload your logo *

Choose a high-resolution image (preferably a .png). If you have another format (.ai, .eps), please email it to testkits@waterrangers.caMax file size: 1 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe png gif

Add a virtual training session

Add a virtual training session for your class or group. Educators get 20% off regular price.
Book a time for your session here!

Product total

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Grand total


Each kit contains:

  • 10x chloride teststrips
  • Chloride conversion chart (to interpret the test strip reading)
  • Conductivity meter (tests for conductivity and water temperature)
  • Throw bucket and rope
  • Reacher stick
  • Water Rangers towel
  • Field notebook and pen
  • Sample container with lid
  • Field guide
  • 4 stickers and 3 badges

Should you desire extra chloride test strips more can be added to your order here

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg
Dimensions 26 × 17 × 17 cm

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