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Learn more about how you can support our amazing collaborators

We want to help our collaborators in community science grow their reach! They are making a big impact by engaging volunteers, collecting data, and filling water health information gaps in our watersheds. Your donations will help our collaborators access much-needed water testing equipment and will help fund the staff they need to do their incredible work.

Peninsula Streams Society

Since 2002 Peninsula Streams Society has coordinated restoration and conservation projects on Vancouver Island. They engage people in numerous efforts to protect and conserve local watersheds, such as removing invasive plants, shoreline cleanups, and stream restoration projects. They also support island-based groups in their activities, including community-based water monitoring and data management. Today, their work is more important than ever as urbanization and climate change continue to degrade local water bodies.

Location: Greater Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia


Wish list: 2 freshwater explorer kits, 2 ocean explorer kits (with salinity meters), and 2 restocking packs. (Value = $1,620)

Thames Bluewater Métis Council, Métis Nation of Ontario

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Thames Bluewater Métis Council (TBWMC) is an important communication hub for the MNO and plays a significant role in fostering community empowerment and development. They are the democratic representatives for MNO Citizens living within the geographic territory described in their MNO Community Charter Agreement. The TBWMC is working on initiatives with their citizens that incorporate sofgardé la tèr (land conservation) and restoration. These initiatives include community-based water monitoring and planting.

TBWMC operates out of the MNO office in London and covers the area from Sarnia to Ingersol and Goderich to Port Stanley.


Wish list: $1000-$2000 in matching funds to support youth Métis citizen coordinator for summer community science work

University of Regina

In 2021, Water Rangers and the University of Regina recruited volunteers in Saskatchewan for our community-based water monitoring program. Unfortunately, there is a significant gap in water quality data in Saskatchewan, and without this data, we can’t determine the health of the waterbodies that the province relies on. That’s where our project comes in! Volunteers monitor 70 lakes and river sites across Saskatchewan to help fill data gaps. The project runs until 2025, and they need your help to keep going until then!

Location: Saskatchewan


Wishlist: 5 restocking packs (Value = $500)

Lake Erie Guardians

The Lake Erie Guardians program is a community-based water monitoring project started by Water Rangers and Freshwater Alliance. In 2021, we put out a call for people to join the program, inviting them to help keep an eye on the health of the Lake Erie watershed. Ultimately, we equipped 50 Western Ontarians with testkits, training, and the digital tools they needed to start testing, all in a bid to protect and enhance their local water bodies. Other activities included wetland restoration planting, shoreline cleanups, and more. We aim to strengthen and expand this program in 2023.

Location: Lake Erie Watershed


Wishlist: 5 Freshwater Explorer testkits to support and engage even more participants in 2023 (Value = $1800)