
What is conductivity?

Conductivity is how we measure the ionic content (such as chloride, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, magnesium, calcium, or iron) in a body of water by measuring the water’s ability to conduct electricity.

A person holding the probes of a meter in a body of water to measure conductivity.

Why is conductivity important?

Every body of water has a unique conductivity level based on its bedrock. Establishing a baseline is important, as some bodies of water have naturally high levels due to their geology and geography.

What does a conductivity measurement mean?

Conductivity can be used as an early warning system for potential problems that warrant further testing. If we see a variance (either lower or higher) from our baseline readings, we know something may have gone wrong. While lab testing is usually the only way to determine what is causing the reading, higher readings could indicate a pollution event has taken place.

What about ocean water? Conductivity for ocean water is about 55,000 µS. While some people test conductivity in seawater, many meters won’t read that high. Many protocols choose to measure salinity instead. Salinity is measured in parts per thousand, with the average ocean reading measuring 35 ppt. Like all tests, we can convert readings, although conductivity measures everything that conducts electricity, while salinity only measures salt.

Some common values

For example, most readings for the Ottawa River are below 100 µS, but near a storm sewer, conductivity values could be over 2,000 µS (or 2.0 mS).

Ask an expert

Conrad Gregoire, Chemist, introduces Conductivity

Water Rangers testing protocol

Conductivity is measured by placing a conductivity probe in the water and measuring the flow of electricity between the electrodes.

A digital conductivity probe measuring a sample of water. The conductivity measurement is 161 µS/cm, and the temperature is 19.8 degrees celsius
The top value is conductivity, and the bottom value is temperature. So, this reading, done in winter in a stream, has a conductivity of 161 and a temperature of 15 °C. These devices always adjust the conductivity based on temperature, so it’s important to record both values. These readings only work while the sensor is in the water.

Note: old models have a cap you need to remove. If you purchased your meter after 2021, you will not have a cap.


  1. Turn on the meter by pressing the top button.
  2. Dip the meter into the water collected in your sample cup. Do not dunk the whole device in, as the battery is near the top.  Hold in the water for 2 minutes, swishing it around lightly. Continue until both values remain steady for 30 seconds.
  3. Tip: If you get a reading of 10 or less, you have not removed the cap or you have taken the sensor out of the water before reading) Read the measurements. We record in µS/cm (microsiemens per centimetre), so check the units. If you get a reading like 1.3, it converts the measure to mS (millisiemens), and you must multiply 1.3 by 1000 and record 1,300 in your form.
  4. Don’t forget to turn off the device after use to preserve battery life (top button).

How to test conductivity

Taking care of your conductivity meter

Since the probe is conducting an electric current, it is so important to keep the electrode clean. Rinse electrodes in distilled water often, especially if you are taking samples where readings are high or if the area is polluted.


You should calibrate your device before every season or if you suspect damage. Learn how to calibrate your meter here. One pouch of calibration solution is provided to those who have purchased a testkit. For additional pouches, visit our store.

Ask an expert

Conrad Gregoire, Chemist, how to test and use a reference to make sure you’re accurate.

Get a conductivity meter here or as part of a testkit:

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