We have an API that you can connect to, and if your organization has software developers that can work with ours to customize our data platform, we can set up […]
FAQ Category: Data management FAQs
The Water Rangers app isn’t working for me. What should I do?
Oh no! We know how frustrating this can be, and we’re so sorry you’re experiencing this. First, we recommend that you try deleting the app from your phone and re-installing […]
Who owns the data I share?
When you upload data to our platform, you are agreeing to our terms of service. If you choose to share your data on our platform, you remain the owner of […]
How can I modify the location of my observation?
Go to your observation, scroll down and click on “View Location Summary” on bottom left. Then scroll down the page and click on “Edit Location details” on the bottom left. […]
What happens to the data I upload?
We believe that data should be open, meaning that anyone can have access to it. All the data you upload is available to anyone who views our platform. You can […]
My organization has their own water testing equipment but we’d like to make our data available to everyone on your platform. How do we do that?
You don’t have to use our testkits to use our data platform. If you have your own testing equipment and want to upload your data, you can start a Group […]
Can I add parameters to my observation form?
You sure can! If you’re testing more than what’s in our testkit and want to make that part of your observation form on your phone or on our web platform, […]
How can I download data?
Our data is available to download in two ways: Anyone logged in can go to a sample location and download the data. It’s free to get an account. Group administrators […]