Water testing equipment
Here you will find all the equipment for water testing, including refill supplies. Browse the full selection of our offerings here
Optical Dissolved Oxygen Meter – New Product!$600.00
Alberta Tomorrow Education Testkit!$585.00
Education Testkit$585.00
Co-Branded Freshwater Explorer Testkit$395.00
Ocean Explorer Testkit$380.00
Freshwater Explorer Testkit$380.00
Freshwater Tinykit 10-pack$235.00
Winter Testkit$180.00
Compact Freshwater Testkit$155.00
Compact Ocean Testkit$155.00
Dissolved Oxygen Testkit$135.00
South Carolina Adopt-a-Stream Lake Kit$105.00
Restocking pack$100.00
Lab Testkit$80.00
Secchi disk$80.00
Conductivity meter$70.00
Salinity meter$70.00
Chloride test strips – 10 pack$40.00
Dissolved oxygen comparator$33.00
Ocean Week Canada Tinykit$24.50
Freshwater Tinykit$24.50
Transparency turbidity tube with Secchi disk$20.00
Stream thermometer (celcius)$14.00