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Donate to Water Rangers and support positive action for water Ocean Week Canada Tinykit – A water testing mission for Earth Rangers! Support our community - 2023 in review
- 2024 Review
- About Water Rangers
- Ambassador Area
- Ambassador Login
- British Columbia
- Browse the store
- Cart
- Celebrate Ocean Week Canada with our mini-grant!
- Celebrate Ocean Week Canada with us!
- Célébrez la Semaine de l’océan Canada en analysant l’eau!
- Checkout
- Client Portal
- Client Portal
- Code of conduct
- Collaborators’ stories
- Community Based Water Monitoring in Saskatchewan with the University of Regina
- Community Lab Results
- Community Water Lab!
- Compact Kit Welcome
- Data deletion policy
- Data Platform
- Delete: Education resources
- Delete: Homeschool webinar sign up
- Delete: Restocking 2021
- E.Coli Sampling
- Education products
- End of season survey
- End of the year survey / Sondage de fin d’année
- End-of-season survey
- Freshwater testing products
- Get a FREE Water Testkit for Ocean Week Canada!
- Help us celebrate Ocean Week Canada!
- Help with funding your program
- Here’s what you can do with Water Rangers
- Homepage
- How can I tell if my lake is healthy?
- How to use your test strips
- Invasive species in Saskatchewan
- Is 2000us/cm a high conductivity reading for a freshwater lake or stream?
- Join us for an afternoon of water testing!
- Lab collection
- Let’s get learning!
- Monthly testing
- My account
- Ocean Week Canada
- Ontario
- Petites trousses pour les familles pour la Semaine de l’océan Canada 2024
- Privacy Policy
- Projects
- Qualitative Data
- Québec
- Refund and Returns Policy
- River Wey
- Saline lakes
- Science Odyssey Scavenger Hunt
- Shipping policy
- Sondage de la fin de l’année
- Teacher Quiz
- Terms and conditions
- Terms of Service
- Testing R-Cards for CaSTCo partners
- Testing tap water at home with a water quality kit
- Testing with Water Rangers
- Testkits
- Testkits and Resources for Educators / Testkits et ressources pour éducateurs
- Thanks for testing the water with us!
- Tiny Kit Welcome
- Tiny kits for families for Ocean Week Canada 2024
- Training
- Educational resources
- Educational tools
- Curriculum connections
- Lessons
- Investigating road salts with conductivity
- Water chemistry: acids, bases, pH and alkalinity
- Dissolved oxygen and algae blooms
- Exploring water clarity with a DIY Secchi disk
- Data to the rescue: Visualizing water quality in your community
- Water dynamics: temperature, salinity and density
- Measuring flow rate with a river model
- Ocean activism and you!
- Exploring eco-anxiety
- Workshops
- Funding for educators
- Printable replacements
- Certification course
- Diving deeper
- Glossary of terms
- Join the wave!
- How to test with Water Rangers
- Getting started
- The basics
- Step 1: Choose a sample location
- Step 2: Make a schedule
- Step 3: Get equipped and trained
- Step 4: Download our app and record your observations
- Reporting/testing water quality issues
- Safety while water testing
- Start a testing group
- Tips for starting your testing season
- Fundraising for your monitoring program
- Why water testing?
- Engaging your workplace
- Educational resources
- University of Regina: Dugout water quality program
- Vancouver Aquarium and Water Rangers!
- Warranty & Returns
- Water quality monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Water Rangers Ambassador Program
- Water Rangers au Québec
- Water Rangers in the UK!
- Water Rangers merchandise
- Water testing equipment
- Welcome to our water quality scavenger hunt!
- Welcome to the Lake Erie Water Rangers!
- Welcome!
- What is water quality? Eight key characteristics
- What the fish?!
- Lake association guide
- Water quality and microplastics education kits
- Lessons and resources
- Certification course (students)
- We’re building the next generation of water leaders
- Going further